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Message from The Director

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera.


On behalf of the Centre for Academic Excellence and Scholarship (CAES), I extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you to our website. As the Director, it is both a privilege, grateful and a joy to lead a team committed to nurturing competent and robust technical scholars.

Talents that are competent and robust are the characteristics of a Technical Scholar, the main attribute of  UTeM’s Academic, aligned towards the realization of University`s Strategic Plan (2023-2025), particularly Thrust 4: Fostering a Dynamic Ecosystem, Preserving the University. We are committed to cultivate a skilled and knowledgeable academic staff directly contribute to our overarching goal of producing technical scholars who are not only capable but also adaptable to the demands of the ever-changing professional landscape.

At CAES, we aim to provide rigorous training and professional development opportunities to ensure that our faculty members are equipped with the latest pedagogical techniques and subject matter expertise to effectively mentor and guide our students. This mission is aligned with Thrust 1 of our University`s Strategic Plan. By cultivating a cadre of competent and dedicated academic staff, we reinforce our ability to fulfil our mission of producing technical proficient scholars who are ready to make meaningful contributions to society.

This website serves as a platform and one of CAES’s efforts in contributing towards enculturation of a dynamic learning culture to ensure learning growth and continuous quality improvement. This includes the dissemination of activities that will be conducted as well as the access to the training modules and training programs resources that have been planned and organised from time to time by our centre. It is our intention that this website serve as a central source for all academics.

My appreciation and gratitude goes to all academic staff and public who is visiting this website. Hopefully, this digital platform will be able to apprise academic staff and public on the latest developments of CAES. We welcome all UTeM staff and respected visitors to provide us with constructive feedback so that we shall make this website become more effective and informative in the future. Together, let us strive for excellence and make lasting contributions to our communities and beyond.

Thank you.



Assoc. Professor Dr. Mohd Shakir bin Md Saat